Black Thought

My role model, Henry "Hank" Aaron
I never doubted my ability, but when you hear all your life you're inferior, it makes you wonder if the other guys have something you've never seen before. If they do, I'm still looking for it.---Henry "Hank" Aaron
The gentleman must always remain fully cognizant of what delivered him to the pinnacle of his achievements. He must never lose sight of the skills he was blessed with that enabled him to become successful. It would be terribly negligent for the gentleman to ignore his unique talents and capabilities based solely on the negative opinion of naysayers.

Understand that the aptitude that you display in a particular area may in fact be coveted by other individuals. So, they seek to undermine the very qualities that make you special. They strive to inject poisonous thoughts of self-doubt. They strive to cripple self-esteem with hurtful and destructive language. And even if the gentleman has yet to taste the rewards of success, others may recognize your hidden potential and work tirelessly to shut it down. Don't let them.

The distinguished gentleman is definitely not inferior. Actually, his loudest critics may be suffering from an inferiority complex and is practicing the art of projection. Don't allow their anxiety to become yours. Understand your talents and utilize them to the utmost maximum degree. The same abilities that afforded the gentlemen a level of exactly the ones that will keep him there. Never forget it.

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